Raw Feeding

So excited and pleased with my first order from a new (to me) raw food supplier, Big Dan’s in MN!  I picked up 385 lbs of meat for the dogs, for just $220.  The supplier is a 4-hour drive from me, but completely worth the time and gas.  I split the gas cost with a friend, who also picked up food for her dogs.

raw diet for dogs
When feeding a raw diet, a balance of muscle meat, bone and organ meat is important.

I’m currently feeding two Danes and estimate that today’s haul will last me about two months, although I’ll supplement with a few other items, picked up from local grocery stores, too.  My 5 1/2 month old puppy will need about 4 lbs/day and her 6 1/2 year old mama will need about 3 lbs/day.  The pup will slow down on eating after about a year old and won’t require quite as much food after that.  But that first year, puppies eat a lot!