Sad News

With tears in my eyes, I’m sharing that today we lost our Skyy – Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC CHIC – to pyometra.  We had discovered a large hemangiosarcoma on her spleen in April, so I’m thankful for the great last six months we’ve had with her.  She was such a sweet, happy girl.  She was loved.  RIP, Sweetheart.  1/6/04-10/4/11

Harlequin Great Dane

Kizzy wins another point

Kizzy picked up another point towards her AKC championship yesterday at the Heart of IA dog show.  She was Reserve Winners today.

She now has nine points towards her championship, including one of her majors.  Six points to go!

Mantle Great Dane - Flighty Foto Absolut CGC

Show marked mantle Great Dane

Puppy Update – Mantle boy now has his eyes open!  They opened at 10 days old exactly…he is a little go-getter!  As of this afternoon, he is up to 2 lbs 15 oz and gaining fast.

Sunset Pictures

Beautiful sunset this evening lent to some fabulous lighting on our evening stroll in the field behind our house…

Harl & Mantle Great Danes

Ch Payaso Flighty Star Alliance RN CGC

Updated the home page with the new pic above of the girls and removed this shot from a week or so ago:

mantle & harlequin great danes

Kizzy Visits School

Kizzy had a blast visiting both our boys in their first and third grade classrooms this week.  She was swarmed by kids and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to pass out as many kisses as possible.

Mantle Great Dane with kids
Kizzy in 1st grade classroom

Wisconsin dog shows

Just got home from a fun weekend in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  We didn’t come home with any points, but we had a great time and the dogs all did great showing.  Kizzy won a very nice Bred-By-Exhibitor class both Friday and Saturday, placing second today to Nancy Parker’s lovely Piper, who went RWB.  Bree won her class all three days.

The show was lots of fun.  It was great to catch up with friends and see some wonderful Danes!

Yesterday Tiana and I drove into Milwaukee and snapped a few shots of the dogs at various locations around Lake Michigan.

Mantle Great Dane
Kizzy at two years old
Mantle Great Dane
Bree at two years old
Fawn Great Dane
Mello (Ch Flighty Never Say Never) at four years old

A few shots from the hotel room…

Great Danes in hotel
Kizzy & Bree crashed out on the bed
Fawn Great Dane
Mello taking a snooze

A few additional pics available in this gallery.